Zhufeng Chemical offers chemical flame retardants and synergists products supply.Main products include Dicumene,2,3-Dimethyl-2,3-Diphenylbutane,Poly-1,4-Diisopropylbenzen and more.We are an ISO certified supplier of elame retardant synergist in small and large sizes for use in polypropylene, polyethylene and polystyrene production.100% on-time shipment protection and PayPal accepted.

Dicumene(Perkadox 30, Nomfer BC, CCDFB) is an environment friendly replacement for Antimony Tri-oxide (Sb2O3) and is commonly used as a flame retardant synergist for polypropylene and polystyrene, especially in expandable polystyrene (EPS).Dicumene(CAS:1889-67-4) can decrease the dosage of brominate flame retardant additive evidently,such as HBCD especially in XPS. It can also be used for the mass polymerization of styrene.We have this product REACH registered.

Also known as Dicumene, Perkadox 30, Nomfer BC, CCDFB
CAS: 1889-67-4
Molecular Formula: C18H22
Structural Formula:
Molecular Weight: 238
Appearance: White to light yellow powder
Content: 96% (min) (HPLC)

Flame retardant synergist, radical initiator CCPIB Poly(1,4-diisopropyl benzene) CAS NO: 25822-43-9 Molecular Weight: >360 Structural Formula: Appearance: White powder Half time:1 min 285℃ (0.1 m/benzene)1 hr 234℃ 10 hr 210℃
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